Training and Exercises

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures (EREP) Test Exercises

Your safety is very important to EKU. Maintaining your safety is a joint responsibility, between you, the University, and emergency response agencies. The person most responsible for your safety is you. Here is some important advice so that you can take responsibility for your own personal safety and make informed decisions about actions you can take in an emergency. Generally, during an emergency, where evacuation is the protective action recommendation, like a fire or fire alarm, everyone should evacuate. If someone cannot evacuate, for any reason, they should take refuge in a safe place, like an enclosed stairwell or in a room. Any individual in need of rescue must call 911 (from a campus phone) or 859-622-1111 or 859-624-2947 (from a cell phone) and report their location to emergency responders. Help will come, but it will take time to arrive, because responders must assess the situation, make the area safe, and have resources available to conduct rescue operations.

Do you know what to do in an emergency situation? The Division of Public Safety is available to conduct Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures Test Exercises for any group or member of the EKU community upon request. For more information, or to schedule a test exercise, please contact EKU Emergency Management at 859-622-8987, 859-622-1111, or email

Scheduled EREP tests may be announced or unannounced. EREP tests are meant to assess our emergency plans and capabilities. Emergency Management plans and other information can be found on these web pages. Please explore them and inform yourself about our emergency response and evacuation procedures. One of our primary goals is to teach community members that they have a responsibility to protect themselves during an emergency. Our EREP test exercises are designed to teach individuals how to do exactly that. Topics covered include situational awareness, outdoor warning sirens, drills to test procedural operations, coordination of first responders, an opportunity to provide feedback, and an evaluation of whether our goals are being met.

Our Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures Test Exercise Presentation is available for review below.

Review of this presentation is no substitute for participating in a live test exercise. Again, for more information, or to schedule a test exercise, please contact EKU Emergency Management at 859-622-8987, 859-622-1111, or email

Thank you.

Useful Links:

Electrical Fire Safety

Fire Safety - Have Two Ways Out

Watch our Controlled Burn on the EHS/RMI Web Page. This is what can happen to an ordinary room (without sprinkler protection) in a matter of minutes.

Get Weather Ready: Before a Tornado

Get Weather Ready: During a Tornado

Get Weather Ready: After a Tornado

Earthquake Drill: Drop! Cover! Hold On!

Active Shooter Videos:

Madison County EMA/CSEPP

Kentucky Emergency Management

Federal Emergency Management Agency

American Red Cross - Safe and Well (Let your family and friends know that you are safe and well.)


(Note: The pdf version of the EREP Presentation listed below does not contain all of the information available in the full power point version. The full power point version is too large to post on this page. It is available for review during live, interactive, test exercises. The instructional video links found within the pdf version below should be active and instructional.)

Camps Groups and Others On Campus Rave Livesafe and EM.pdf3.92 MB
Targeted Violence Training Presentation 06252017.pdf1.96 MB
Prepare For Emergencies Now.pdf195.09 KB
Emergency Supply List 2014.pdf271.3 KB
Family Communication Plan.pdf1.12 MB