Inside Look

Final CSEPP Disaster Exercise on June 12th around 8:30AM

Community Exercise on June 12th around 8:30AM

The Final CSEPP Disaster Exercise was conducted on Wednesday, June 12th, beginning at 9:05AM.

Madison County EMA/CSEPP will be conducting tests of the new outdoor warning sirens in Madison County.

Exercise Test Tone

Sound Checks for New Sirens

New Outdoor Warning Sirens Ready for County-wide Sound Check

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9/14/2023 Update - Successful Sound Check (Final) for New Outdoor Warning Sirens

We can verify that the sirens activated, this morning, and they could be heard outside.

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Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures - Do You Know What To Do During a Community-Wide Chemical Emergency?

Exercise on 9/20/2023

An Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures Test was scheduled and conducted on 9/20/2023 at 8:56AM as part of CSEPP (the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program).

We used our exercise notifications (EKU Alerts) to provide our community members with public information about chemical and other emergencies.

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures Test: Do You Know What To Do During a Community-Wide Chemical Emergency?

How to Respond to Chemical Incidents

An Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures Test/Exercise was conducted on 9/14/2022 from 9am to 11:55am.

CSEPP (the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program)

Would you know what to do during a community-wide chemical emergency?

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures Test - Do You Know What To Do During a Community-Wide Chemical Emergency?

Know Your Zone and ESIP Buildings

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures Test on 9/20/2021 from 10am to 11:30am

CSEPP (the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program)

Would you know what to do during a community-wide chemical emergency?

EKU S.A.F.E. App Now Available

EKU S.A.F.E. App Now Available

Eastern Kentucky University’s Student Government Association (SGA) and Public Safety have once again partnered to introduce the next generation of mobile phone safety technology with the EKU S.A.F.E. App.

VOLUNTARY EXERCISE: There was a Voluntary Disaster Exercise on September 18th, 2019 - Focusing on a Chemical Emergency

Chemical Incidents

Voluntary Disaster Exercise: There was a voluntary disaster exercise, on Wednesday September 18th, 2019, beginning around 9:00AM, focusing on a community-wide chemical release.

VOLUNTARY EXERCISE: There was a Voluntary Disaster Exercise on April 17th, 2019 - Focusing on a Chemical Emergency

Chemical Emergency Infographic

Voluntary Disaster Exercise : There was a voluntary disaster exercise, on Wednesday April 17th, 2019, at 12:20PM, focusing on a community-wide chemical release.

Approximately 65 people voluntarily participated in this Exercise/Drill. The ESIP Buildings used were:

Alumni Coliseum (Public Safety Facilitator – Gary Folckemer)

The Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff: