Emergency Action Quick Reference and Sheltering In Place

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

The quick reference links on this page will provide you with the most immediate information you should know during an emergency.  Please remember that each situation is unique and you must be prepared to alter your actions as the situation evolves.  Please refer to the full EKU Emergency Action Plan for more detailed information about actions you can take to ensure your safety.

Shelter In Place (Can also be thought of as . . . Internal Evacuation)

The concept of seeking SHELTER is to provide protection from an outside atmosphere or condition that may be immediately dangerous to life, health, or safety.

Our initial advice to Shelter In Place is our way of informing you that there is a dangerous or potentially dangerous condition and that you should protect yourself, take shelter in a secure place, and avoid the area in question. We will provide more specific information and updates as more becomes known about the situation.

Because Sheltering In Place may be the protective action recommendation for several emergencies with differing risks, and because sometimes the initial recommendation is to Shelter In Place followed by Relocation, there is no single set of Shelter In Place procedures. Based on the type of emergency, such as Tornado, Hostile Intruder (Actual or Potential Violence), or Hazardous Material Release Outside, you should consult each relevant Emergency Action Plan section for guidance.

Emergencies change as they progress.

In a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation, you must quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. One of the first possibilities to consider is that you should quickly seek a safe environment through evacuation or sheltering.

The questions to ask yourself are:

Am I safer inside or outside?

Where am I safest inside?

Where am I safest outside?